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Doronai Nui version 0.10.1 is now available!

You can download version 0.10.1 of the Doronai Nui here.

"The sprockets were a little off-balance, but I think this one is the winner!... Now why do I have these extra screws?" - Nuparu, future Toa Mahri and savior of the universe, in his sixth year of apprenticeship.

Welcome again to the legend of the Doronai Nui, dear friends, and welcome to version 0.10.1, which is a very pleasant housekeeping update more than anything else. The biggest change lies in the Crafting Guide, where the Infusion concept has been nearly entirely removed and folded into the core Handle-and-Slot System we use for most other things, and Cases are gone in that selfsame spirit. Rest assured the functionality of both have been preserved in other things, so if you were a diehard custom case enthusiast, you can still achieve the same results through making your own Magazines or adding wells to your existing gear.

All this, and much more, awaits in the tomes of Version 0.10.1 of the Doronai Nui. Play well.

The changelog for this version is as follows:


  • Various grammatical and mechanical structure issues have been resolved across most documents in the Doronai Nui.

Rules Guide

  • Unless otherwise specified, Actions that can be activated for 0AP can only be activated once per turn. Subsequent times the Action is taken Cost 1AP instead of 0.

  • Clarified the text explaining how and when Expertise Tokens are earned.

  • The Use Powers Skill has had its language clarified to reflect changes to Powers (namely, the removal of Attribute Channel Components).

  • Clarified Critical Hits.

Species Index

  • Akiamu accidentally had their original Armor Class section listed alongside their Armor Frame; it has been pulled. Additionally, Akiamu Power UE Costs have been clarified.

  • Skakdi Powers have been clarified to reflect the removal of Attribute Channel Components as it pertains to their Attribute Score Modifier.

  • Ancient Skakdi may now wear and use Great Masks if they are proficient in the Use Kanohi skill.

  • Ursare Protosteel Claws can definitively not be modified with additional Components. Additionally, their Blood In The Water Ability now specifies that their Attribute Score Modifier can be added twice, and not their Score.

  • Vanaki Wing Blades no longer mention IHP, instead citing the Broken Condition.

Supertypes and Archetypes Index

  • Added the Psion Archetype to Elementalist, which grants those who invest into it with greatly enhanced telekinetic abilities.

  • Biomechanist’s From The Vats now specifies that beings that have Components installed into them that require Item Charges gain a number of Item Charges based on their Quality Tier (standard rate, so 4 at Tier 0, 5 at Tier 1, etc.)

  • Combat Medic’s Level 1 and 2 Abilities have been swapped and reworked.

  • The Great Weapon Fighter’s Level 3 Ability, “Carry the Momentum,” has its AP boost capped at an amount of AP equal to your normal AP.

  • Guard’s Pillarman Ability’s language has been clarified to make it easier to use.

  • Kromean’s Intimidating Strike now specifies it causes Dazed 1.

  • Protodermist has had significant changes to its language due to changes to Infusion, and have had all mentions of Case removed.

    • Mad Alchemist now gives you the option to take Proficiency in the Protodermy Skill.

      • It was the only Protodermist Archetype not to offer this, and high Skill bonuses are important for high-level Crafting, so taking Mad Alchemist could put you at a disadvantage. Of course, if you multiclass… well, have fun.

    • Powderman’s Destructive Touch ability now clarifies that it is intended to deal double damage to Machines/Items.

  • Rhokatai is now cross-listed with Melee and Ranged Supertypes.

  • Shieldbearer’s Hoplite now correctly specifies “Attribute Score Requirement” instead of “Strength Score Requirement”, as all Shields have a Style modifier.

  • Powderman has had all mentions of Destructive Expertise replaced with the correct Destructive Mastery.

Crafting Guide


The Crafting Guide has seen some more significant changes to make it more accessible and easier to understand to players. Infusion Slots have been completely removed as a separate resource economy and now fight for space alongside Item Components. We found that players were having a hard time understanding this, and trying to balance the Infusion Slot economy against the Item Component Slot economy without one becoming significantly more valuable than the other was too difficult for us to wrap our brains around, resulting in us not wanting to add additional content to it.

  • All Materials have an associated Infusion Cost, which determines how many Slots you need to spend on an Item or Component in order to grant that Item its effects. We also want to make it clear that unless a Material’s effect says that it does something per Measure, or there’s some other reason why it can’t be used in Infusion, all Materials and their effects are intended to be able to be Infused.

    • Infusion Costs are not always equivalent to the Infusion Slots a Material previously had.

    • If a Material’s Infusion cost adds Slots rather than costing them, it counts as a Rebate Component.

    • The ability to Infuse any Material into any other Material was technically already possible, but was never properly articulated, and there were some lopsided interactions because of the fact that many of the Materials were assumed to only cost 1 Infusion Slot.

  • The majority of Infusion Components have been removed, with the surviving Components being converted into the appropriate Item Components.

    • Ingredients are still an important part of Infusion, and will remain, with plans to introduce new Ingredients over time as the need arises.

    • Additionally, because there’s no longer a functional difference between a Solid or Non-Solid Material as it pertains to Infusion, you can now properly Infuse any two Materials or Ingredients together.

  • The Purify Process now reduces the Infusion Cost of a Material by 1, and has no technical lower limit.

    • This allows Materials to act as a Slot Rebate, and gives Materials such as Protoiron a proper use in Infusion. You could have a Weapon with a high Quality Tier and effects, and then add Tier 5 Protoiron as an Infusion to gain 5 Slots without any additional effects.

  • A majority of the text that relates to Infusion has been massaged to address these changes.


  • All Materials are now sorted alphabetically.

    • The reason they weren’t previously is that they were organized by increasing Rarity, then alphabetical, unless a special clause was in place (Protoiron being the first Metal listed, for example, because it is the most common Material in the Matoran Universe. However, we’ve determined that this formatting makes it difficult to find what you’re looking for if you don’t know its Rarity, and the issue would be compounding as we add more Materials and Material subtypes.

  • Abaryx is no longer listed as an Ingredient; just Infuse it from the Material information.

  • The main effects of the Bandage Case Component are now incorporated into all Cloth Items, and are described in the Textile Kit.

  • The calculation for how much Bokanohi Sap you need to soak an Item is X/2, not 2*X.

    • Think about resin coatings; does it really make sense that you’d need a bathtub to soak a sword?

  • Coldstone still had a mention of the Chilled Condition; now removed.

  • Gold now has Resistance to Electric and Heat Damage.

    • This is to reflect real-life properties of Gold, while also giving it some positives while we wait for the Economy update to come out. Also, Vulnerability to all 4 of the main Damage Types in-game sucks super hard on its own, and we didn’t want to give it a massive Slot rebate (still gives +4 Slots back if you Infuse it).

  • Madu Cabolo Fruit now deal an additional 1d10 Bludgeoning Damage, and affect a 10ft radius (up from 5ft).

  • Metru Mantis Toxin description has been corrected.

  • Mutestone’s effects have been pulled back up into the Material description, and are no longer listed in Ingredients.

  • Organs now specify that you cannot intentionally damage or segment out an Organ in order to gain its effects multiple times or to be used as Doses. You must install the Organ in its entirety in order for it to function in an Item. This does not impact the Infusion Cost.

  • Peat’s Fire Damage is now specified as Fire 1.1.

  • Removed a mention of the Overly-Modified Component in the Item Crafting section

  • Removed mentions of the Sundering Component in Item Assembly

  • Removed an optional rule that said that 1 Inventory Space could hold 450 Measures of Material

    • We’re adopting a much more reasonable 4 Measures per 1IS ratio.

    • A single Measure is 1 cubic liter, so…what the hell? No idea how or why we let that through.

  • Shale Blossom’s effects have been pulled back up into the Material description, and are no longer listed in Ingredients.

  • Sharpstone’s effects are now limited to Repairing Metal Items, specifically.

    • This change is partially to limit their effectiveness, and partially to reinforce their association with the Fe Tribe.

  • Sparkstone now only produces 6IC per Measure per Round, down from 9IC.

    • Change made to reflect the overall IC nerf related to Power Modules.

  • Introduced Stun Gas, a Material used by Onu-Metru’s Archivists to safely study all manner of Rahi

  • Zamor Lattice no longer mentions Cases, and instead points the reader to the Magazines section of the Equipment Index when referring to Zamor Spheres.

    • A clarification has been made to specify that Infusing Materials or Powers into Zamor Lattice does not take several hours, and instead only costs AP if there’s an associated AP Cost with something like an Elemental Attack Form.


  • Kanoka now cost 3 Measures of Material to Craft

    • 1 Measure is just too small an amount, and 3 Measures is how much it usually takes to make an unmodified Diminutive Item. Because most Kanohi are Diminutive, Kanoka are reasonably Diminutive as well, so…

    • Keep in mind that this limitation only applies to the Kanoka Disk specifically. You can still produce as much Kanoka Metal at a time as you want, you just can’t apply Flight Patterns to anything other than the Kanoka Disks themselves.

  • Removed a mention of the Disk-Making Path, which never existed and never will

    • Replaced with a mention of the Kanoka Artisan Archetype, which does not exist but will eventually.

  • Due to changes to Infusions, Kanoka Powers can now be Infused into an Item for 2X Slots, where X is equal to the Disk’s Power Level.

    • The Kanohi Component from the Equipment Index has, as a result, had its Slot Cost increased. If you want a Kanohi Power, you may hack it through these means.

      • Keep in mind that it is also still possible to bend the rules a bit with how a Kanoka Power manifests itself if the Power wouldn’t make sense for the Item being made (e.g. a Freeze Disk on an Armor Frame probably shouldn’t Freeze its user), or if the Kanoka Disk doesn’t have a listed Power (most combinations of Kanoka required to make a Kanohi do not have their effects listed).

    • While the exact function of Kanoka Powers are up to interpretation, we have modified the framework of freeform Kanoka to mirror the Disk Powers and/or Kanohi more closely. GMs should take note of the general scaling and duration of Kanoka Disk Powers before signing off on a player’s iteration of a Kanoka Power. They’re strong, but not limitless.

Elemental Index

  • Conjure Illusion now has a listed EE Cost of 15.

  • Cut the Defabrication, Private Forge, and Unhindered Manipulation Universal Talents.

  • The E-Item Attack Form’s AP Cost is now 1 per 3 Complexity Modifier (previously 1 per 5)

    • We found that 5CM is pretty hard for most basic Items to hit, meaning the vast majority of them cost 1AP. Making it more expensive will force players that use it to think more carefully about when they create an E-Item (Do I have Cover? If I make this E-Item, will I even be able to use it in the same Round? etc.).

  • Materials that are available to Elements have been updated and alphabetized, to mirror the changes done in the Crafting Guide.

Powers Index

  • Infliction and Channel Components as distinct mechanical terms are gone.

    • Crabrave

    • The Infliction Components have been moved to Universal Components.

  • Action Components that refund Slots now count towards Rebates.

  • Powers now always Cost XUE, where X is equal to 5 times their Tier.

  • Always Active Powers reduce your UE Pool by (Tier * 10)UE. At-Will Powers reduce your UE Pool by (Tier * 20)UE.

  • The Bolstered Hit (Attack), Forcefulness and Potency Components have been cut.

  • Free Action cannot be installed on an Always Active Power.

  • Full-Body Attunement allows you to add an Attribute Score Modifier, not the Score itself.

  • Kanohi User Costs a baseline of 15 Slots instead of 7.

  • Measureless Costs 15 instead of 10 Slots but doesn't increase the UE Cost of the Power.

  • Power Nap doesn't count as sleep.

  • If Regeneration is Always Active, limbs are regrown instantly.

  • Roulette has been reworked.

  • Terrain Attunement only affects 1 Terrain Modifier rather than 3.

  • Split Action clarifies the intent behind Variable Slot cost.

  • Energy Fostering now properly specifies its Slot Costs.

Equipment Index


As development for the game has grown and shifted, the concept of Cases has fallen by the wayside. Having a whole class of Items dedicated to storing nothing but liquids and gasses doesn’t work particularly well when the Components required to do so have an upper limit on how much storage they actually provide. For example, it wasn’t possible to produce a Grenade that has more than 1 Measure of Admixture inside it, severely limiting the possibilities. Due to this, the fact that Cases impact very little else and are often just a hindrance more than a help, their overreliance on the Crafting Guide, and because of their limited impact on the system at large, we have made the decision to remove them as an Item class, and repackage what we can to limit any edge-case losses.

  • Backpack has been reworked and is actually functional now.

    • Backpack has also taken on the responsibilities of the old Canister Case Component, allowing you to store Non-Solid Materials at a lesser rate than Solid Items.

    • Backpack can no longer be installed on Fine Items.

      • In case anyone was trying to turn grains of sand into bags of holding.

  • The Flask Component has been reworked and turned into a generic Item Component.

  • Grenade is now a Thrown Weapon Component.

  • Burst Dart is now a Magazine Load Type.

  • Rapid Injector is now an Item Component.

  • Zamor Sphere has been removed as a Case type, and is solely a Material now. Good riddance.


  • Bedrolls now have the Collapsible and Rope Components to help condense their Size in use

    • This is partially to mitigate a problem with Equipment Packs where they couldn’t store all of the Equipment they contain

  • Damage Status had an accidental rules holdover related to Total Immunity and Vulnerability removed.

  • Removed the extra Metal Chisel from the Civilian and Healer Equipment Packs

    • The extra Stone Tablets are there intentionally, but the additional Chisels were apparently causing confusion.

  • Equipment Packs are now guaranteed to have at least enough Inventory Space to carry all of their contents with 2 installations of the Backpack Component (16IS at Tier 0 or Tier 1).

  • Reworked the Feed Line Component to have additional functionality.

  • Added the Harvester Item Component, which allows an Item to reduce the time it takes to Harvest Materials or Material Types

    • This can be used for Axes to harvest different types of Wood, Pickaxes for Stones and Metals, Shovels for Soils, etc.

  • Heatstone Slugs are now correctly listed as Tier 1, and have the Scattershot Component’s effects properly described in its Additional Features.

  • Item Charge Modifier has been clarified to confirm you can only take the Component if your Item uses IC in any way.

  • Added Kanohi-Dependent, a Slot Rebate that can be installed on Items made of Kanoka Metal (or with the Kanohi Component) to force them to use Kanohi Charges instead of IC to trigger their Kanoka effect

  • Power Boost doesn't scale infinitely with IC and requires additional installations to maximize its damaging capabilities.

  • Added the Power Converter Component, which allows Items to spend IC to restore Sustenance

    • Porting this ahead of time so we can have Charging Cradles whenever we get around to Buildings. More on that later (not in this Changelog, sorry)

  • Shredder is now a Universal Item Component.

  • The Tablet Standard Item has been reclassified as a Diminutive Item.

    • More space-saving measures for Equipment Packs.

  • Utility rebates have been nerfed and now refund 1 Slot for every two Quality Tiers. Tier 0 and 1 refund 1 Slot, 2 and 3 refund 2 Slots, 4 and 5 refund 3 Slots.

  • Added Whetstones to Off-The-Rack Equipment.

    • These needed to be added for the Combat Pack. Please use it responsibly.

  • Clarified Caravan Crawler statistics.

  • Zamor Spheres have been moved from being a Case Magazine to a Projectile Magazine made with the Zamor Lattice Material. They also are now appropriately listed as Tier 5.

    • The two previous Zamor Magazines have been removed entirely.

  • Lingering has been nerfed to cost 5 Slots instead of 2, and now specifies that any damage it causes when activated forces a Save.

  • Added the Manual, Turbine, and Water Wheel Components, all of which modify how your Power Modules generate IC.

    • Cut the Manual Keyword from Power Modules as a result.

Environmental Guide

  • All Storms now have a Wind Speed modifier, factoring into the ambient wind speed of a Local Environment (relevant to a handful of Machine Components, as explained in the Aquatic Terrain section of the Environmental Guide, and in each Component’s respective entry in the Equipment Index)

Kanohi Index

  • The Mahiki has a CR limit when shapeshifting into specific targets

Character Sheet

  • Removed deprecated fields from Elemental Construct

  • Added Rider Slot fields to Area of Effect and Rend

  • Added fields for Inventory Slots, Quick Draw IS, Sheaths, and Carry Weight to the Inventory section

  • Made all large text fields scrollable - once the on-screen space in a given field is filled, it will extend with a scroll bar. Fill up that Notes section to your hearts’ content!

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