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Doronai Nui version 0.11.0 is now available!

Oil drips from foundry walls as the next simulacrum stands. It bellows its first defiant yell as molten iron falls on it from above, encasing it in a dim orange glow that contrasts the icy yellow of its eyes. We pull a lever. Another stands. Another screams. We continue. Until we get it right.

After more than a year of intensive development, the largest update in the Doronai Nui’s history has finally arrived. Introducing DN version 0.11.0, featuring some much-needed system improvements and long-awaited additions!

You can download version 0.11.0 of the Doronai Nui here.



The Doronai Nui is now protected by a Creative Commons License, and is packaged with a readme explaining what that means 

  • Various grammatical and mechanical structure issues have been resolved across most documents.

  • Removed erroneous mentions of Total Immunity across multiple documents.

  • The description for Blindsense has been altered to remove the false impression that it grants its users a form of eyesight.

  • Clarified the duration of the effects of Cold Damage.

  • Intimidation is now a Freeform Skill. It is still restricted to either STR or CHA, but allows us to save some space in the Rules Guide, Character Sheet, and select other locations.

  • Listed a variety of Senses that used to be missing from the Rules and Environmental Guides. These senses include:

  • Chemical Vision, allowing any being with it to determine the chemical makeup of an object on sight.

  • Hemosense, the ability to determine the precise condition of a target

  • Truesight, which allows anyone with it to see what is otherwise invisible to the naked eye.

Rules Guide

  • Anger, Fear, and Mania now specify that removing a Rank of these Conditions is a 1AP Action.

  • Clarified the Armor Class equations and removed outdated variables.

  • Carry Weight has been cut.

  • Carry Weight was one of the oldest holdovers from 5e and was even more poorly defined in the DN. No Items had Weight because no Weight was assigned to a Measure, and characters themselves were effectively weightless, making its mention in the Grapple rules useless. With Inventory Spaces being a much more adequate system to handle how much of something one can hold, formal Carry Weight had been irrelevant for years.

  • In the Combat section, it has been clarified that Actions and Reactions only cost 0AP the first time you use them in a given Round.

  • Making sure nobody tries to exploit that. Phew!

  • The amount of Damage a target can suffer from another target falling onto them has been capped.

  • Resolved an error in the explanation for Damage Immunity.

  • Introduced Damage Increase (DI) as a negative equivalent to Damage Reduction (DR).

  • The Health Meditation Talent has seen some changes due to alterations to the Powers Index. When increasing your HP pool, you are no longer restricted to only 6 purchases of this Talent.

  • Clarified the recharge rate of Item Charges during a Rest.

  • Added the Le-Koro Drum Talk and Paxorak Drum Talk languages.

  • Defined Quick Draw Inventory Spaces.

  • Clarified that you may always willingly choose to fail a Saving Throw regardless of source, unless otherwise stated.

  • The equation for Skill Checks now mentions your Attribute Modifier in the equation.

  • Stances and Grips no longer operate on a per-Weapon basis, instead only being able to be adopted once at a time.

  • Actions:

  • The Attack Action now more explicitly confirms the existence of rare, untyped Attacks that are not a Strike or Fire Action, and that features and abilities that benefit those Actions do not apply.

  • The Disarm Action now specifies Kanohi as a potential target for the Action, as clarification to players that unmasking a target is possible through conventional means.

  • Dirty Trick now specifies it can only be taken against targets within Reach.

  • Full Dodge’s functionality has been altered. It now allows you to move 5ft away from your attacker without provoking Attacks of Opportunity from them (others can still attack you). If successful, the attacker gains DADV1 on all Rolls associated with the Attack or Combat Maneuver, and you gain ADV1 on any Saves imposed by them.

  • The Move Action now names a number of Movement Speeds, for clarity.

  • The Parry Reaction’s wording has been altered to better state that it can be used when any type of AC is targeted, not just regular AC.

  • The Repair Action can now be used on all Items, not just those with MHP.

  • Adjusted the Rummage Action to include Weapons not in Quick Draw Inventory Spaces.

  • Introduced the Sacrificial Dive Defensive Action, which allows you to spend 3AP to use yourself as a shield from an Attack or Combat Maneuver on a target within your Reach.

  • Suva Usage now costs 1AP.

Species Index

  • General Changes:

  • All Species now have a Notable Members section right above their lore blurb for ease of reference.

  • This change has been heavily requested from the playerbase for a very, very long time now, and for very good reason. While perhaps overdue, we hope you appreciate this addition.

  • The Body Plan Table from the Rahi Corpus has been ported to the Species Index in the Introduction.

  • Nearly all Species are still Humanoid, but the Species Index no longer mentions a Body Plan Table that will be added in a “future update”.

  • A number of Species that have Clans or similar features have been reworded to more closely match current system language.

  • Several Species that had access to Powers, such as Atureas, Vhistotai, or Akiamu have had these Powers updated to actually reflect the Powers Index framework. They include a table with all of the Components used to build them.

  • While many of these Powers toe the line with concepts such as PSDC or UE usage, their framework and overall mechanics are much more in line with Powers acquired through other means.

  • Minor changes in function may have occurred. This was also largely done to address changes to UE and ensure these Species weren’t paying an unfair amount to activate these abilities.

  • Elemental Expertise Tokens have been cut to reflect the changes to the Elemental system (see the Elemental Index section of the changelog for more information).

  • Removed erroneous mentions of STR and DEX for Armor ISDC options.

  • Added a note in the Species Guide that confirms you start with one Magazine by default if you have a Ranged Weapon, and an additional note that the GM may allow you to start with more.

  • Sheathes are removed from all Species, replaced with equivalents in Quick Draw Inventory Spaces. These are also defined.

  • All Species with the Universal Power Boon have had their UE Pools updated to reflect changes to the Powers system. Additionally, Species with non-modular Powers (i.e. Akimau) have had their Powers updated to match current Power paradigms elsewhere in the system.

  • Species-Specific Changes:

  • Ancient Skakdi are now allowed to begin play with any Machine up to Large Size.

  • Ancient Skakdi Tavuki Slates have been reformatted to be more consistent with Items found in the Equipment Index, while also receiving some buffs.

  • The specialized Item Components of a Tavuki Slate still have a separate Item Quality, but now scale more appropriately. It is also specified how to Craft new ones, making a distinction between the Tavuki Slate Platform and the Slates themselves.

  • The previous mention of Tavuki Slates in the Equipment Index has been cut due to being inaccurate, as well as to follow modern design principles of keeping Species-specific Equipment within the Species Index.

  • Atureas Majors now have an EE to UE conversion for their usages of Psionic Talents. Additionally, Atureas Majors can now invest into any Attribute Score upon reaching a Feed Threshold rather than being limited to Attribute Scores they have already improved.

  • Augafi’s Crystal Eyes now grant the benefits of the Infrared, Ultraviolet, Microscopic, and Zoom Lenses, and the Visor Component, with some minor modifications. Additionally, Augafi with the Piercing Valmai’s Veins Boon gain 40 Measures of Metal per month rather than 40 pounds of Metal.

  • Dahkini of Clan Bisra no longer gain Proficiency or Expertise in Protodermy. Dahkini of Clan Foihau now simply get any number of NPCs to accompany them so long as the NPCs’ cumulative CR doesn't exceed a third of the Clan Foihau member’s Level.

  • Ihidauri now correctly list Proficiency and 1 Rank of Expertise in their Skill Proficiencies for their Paladin and Seneschal Boons from Gentry of Phaidua. Additionally, Ihidauri with the Patron of Inoatra Boon gain a Matoran Functionary rather than a Matoran Equerry (a nonexistent statblock).

  • Layamat now have a 10ft Swim Speed due to their innate Athletics Proficiency, and also gain Proficiency in Focus. Their natural investment in Voyahi has been replaced by a series of extrasensory abilities, akin to the Manidi’s Hypnosis Boon. Their Language Boon now also specifies they speak Layamat Liturgical.

  • Leraku no longer gain Total Immunity from their Armored By Nature And Science In Concert ability, as Total Immunity no longer exists.

  • Manidi’s Cast in Nynrahn Sand Species Boon now allows you to install a Tier (PROF/2) Power into the Item, scales off of ISDC for the Perception Check to understand its mechanisms. However, they no longer gain a Control Board, as the Component has been removed in favor of Lenses. Additionally, the Dance of the Mind’s Eye upgrade to Unlocking The Vault Of The Mind has been removed, as it doesn't make thematic sense and is strictly worse than other options.

  • Removed a mention of Lithe Frame from Ursare. Additionally, you no longer suffer any penalties if your Ursare doesn’t come equipped with Protosteel Claws.

  • Ekedax now possess a new Major Species Boon called Adaptive Immune System. This new Boon allows them to gain immunities to toxins and mutagens, like Nocturn did in The Pit.

  • Gawalai have had their Third Limb Major Boon altered to be able to make use of non-Melee weapon formats with ET investment.

  • Leraku no longer apply the “Paralyzed” Condition, but instead apply Dazed 4.

  • Due to a lack of canonical precedence, Vhisotai have had their Dark Waters Minor Boon and Stasis Field Dissipation Power removed.

Supertypes and Archetypes Index

  • General Changes:

  • Corrected incorrect mentions of Combat Training: Unarmed Strike Talent to the proper Combat Training: Unarmed Strike Damage Talent.

  • All instances of Dice Pool Successes are now capitalized as Success, to help them stand out more as a mechanical concept.

  • Removed all mentions of Sheathes, replaced with equivalents in Quick Draw Inventory Spaces.

  • Melee:

  • Azi-Nui’s Level 1 Ability now allows the player to perform a Bash Action with any Melee Weapon, and not just Shields.

  • Added the Boxer Half-Archetype, for those of you who just want a good old-fashioned fistfight.

  • Clarified the function of Expert Duelist’s Level 1 Ability.

  • Ranged:

  • The entirety of the Ranged Supertype has been reworked. This includes Supertype Abilities as well as all associated Archetypes. Among the most notable changes are the following:

  • The Ranged Supertype Ability Cordak Library now allows a Ranged wielder to use any Ranged Weapon in conjunction with their Supertype and Archetype abilities regardless of the Handle.

  • Gunslinger now has a greater emphasis on one-shot kills rather than multi-target Attacks.

  • Marksman has been upgraded from a Half-Archetype to a full Archetype.

  • Added a 1 Round duration to Ranged Supertype Level 6 (i.e. you cannot stack the Attack Penalty just because someone didn’t attack that Round).

  • Combat Arts:

  • The No Range Is Safe I Supertype Ability no longer affects specifically One-Handed Weapons, allowing for characters who can Dual-Wield Weapons of heavier Handle types to benefit from this ability.

  • Warrior is now listed correctly in the Cross-Listed sections of Melee and Ranged Supertypes.

  • Reworded Wrestler’s Level 1 Ability to make its intended effect clearer.

  • Adjusted Wrestler’s Level 4 Living Ammunition Ability to account for the removal of Carry Weight from the system.

  • Defense:

  • Reworded Defense Level 12’s Ability to make its intended effect clearer.

  • Rephrased Deflector’s Level 3 Ability to be a little more clear.

  • Adjusted Guard’s Level 3 Ability to clarify Attack of Opportunity being a bonus, rather than requiring your AoO to have been used.

  • Elementalist:

  • Elementalist has been entirely overhauled to reflect the changes to the Elemental system.

  • Elementalist is made up of 4 Archetypes and 2 Half-Archetypes. They are as follows:

  • Archetypes:

  • Channeler - Effectively a replacement for the Damage-focused Archetypes of the older system.

  • Elemental Warrior - Similar to the old Elemental Warrior, with a focus on Weapons and Armor.

  • Psion - A master of telekinetic manipulation and Control. Able to leverage the most out of their Environment.

  • Shaper - A replacement for Elemental Smith, with a renewed emphasis on Crafting.

  • Half-Archetypes:

  • Elemental Aeronaut - Effectively the same as before.

  • Stormbringer - Effectively the same as before.

  • Kanohi Fighter:

  • Warper’s Level 3 ability can now be healed through Rest Recovery Dice as intended, instead of being impossible to heal through any means despite the text suggesting otherwise.

  • Beastmaster:

  • Rahi Rider is now correctly listed as a Half-Archetype.

  • Added the Veterinarian Half-Archetype, Cross-Listed with Support, which allows those who invest in it to heal Rahi.

  • Renamed Rahi Enthusiast to Zoologist.

  • Support:

  • Adjusted Support Level 9’s Medical Excellence to correctly reference Assess and Prepare, which it modifies.

  • Nightingale Level 6’s …Not A Miracle Worker Ability can no longer revive beings who have been disintegrated or killed via Electric Damage.

  • The idea that a trauma surgeon can bring a pile of dust or someone with a fried brain back from the dead is entertaining, but wildly inaccurate. Sorry if you wanted to try this.

  • Tactician:

  • A typo in Tactician Level 3’s Heroism Order has been resolved.

  • We’ve also specified that the amount of HP granted by Heroism cannot exceed the target’s HP Cap.

  • Pathfinder’s Level 2 Ability now no longer causes an assisted check to automatically succeed. 

  • Diplomat:

  • Chronicler Level 4’s Ability now also allows allies to regain KC in addition to their other Resource Pools.

  • Merchant’s Level 2 Ability no longer mentions an increased number of Backpacks; this limitation didn’t exist.

  • Added the Negotiator Archetype to better aid PCs who prefer to solve conflicts verbally instead of physically.

  • Performer’s Level 4 Ability now triggers on Sleight of Hand Checks, not “Escape Artist” Checks.

  • Scout:

  • Removed part of Scout’s Level 6 Ability as its mechanics are already included in standard Falling rules.

  • Reworded Freerunner’s Level 1 Ankles of Protosteel to make it clear that it’s granting a Damage Resistance. Also changed its interaction with Not Idly Do the Boughs Bend to grant Resistance 3.

  • Added Parkourist, an Archetype that makes leaping and advanced movement techniques possible.

  • Stealth:

  • Stealth Level 3 Ability can now render a target Mute.

  • Survivalist:

  • Reworded Survivalist Level 18’s On Land Or Underwater to make its intended effect clearer.

  • Engineer:

  • Clarified Arms Technician’s Power-Hungry and Energy-Sink Component Modifications. They are not rebates, they directly adjust the Slot Cost of Components.

  • Biomechanist has been completely reworked for ease of use and potency.

  • Added the Gourmand, Cross-Listed with Support and Survivalist, allowing you to cook even more delicious and flavorful meals for your party.

  • Clarified how Heavy Armament Constructor Level 2’s Comically Large Ability interacts with Supersized Weapons.

  • Mechanic Level 6’s Ability, Get you One!, no longer erroneously mentions Widget costs.

  • Protodermist:

  • Mad Alchemists can now install Components into their Vanilla Admixtures, which are also specified to always be Tiny in Size

  • This may seem like a dangerous move, but given that they can only have one of these Admixtures at a time, they need to spend 3 days preparing it every time they want to make a change or adjustment, and Toa are able to Craft just about anything they can imagine, this should be a welcome change.

Elemental Index

  • The Elemental Index has been almost entirely overhauled. The reasons for these changes being introduced at this stage of development are multifaceted, but are primarily linked to Player feedback regarding the overwhelming nature and complexity of the previous system. We hope that the changes to the Elemental Index will allow Players greater versatility when in play without sacrificing any of the depth in the previous system. Due to the expansive nature of the changes that have been made, not all changes are reflected in the Changelog. Instead, the main differences between the old versus the new system are detailed below:

  • Elemental Attack Forms have been replaced with Elemental Abilities: Craft and Control, which allow Elemental-wielders to generate Measures of Elemental Material in order to Craft them into a suitable Item, be it a boulder, a pillar of Ice, a wall of Fire, or a blade of Living Shadow. Elemental Abilities present in the older system have also been merged into either Craft or Control.

  • Elemental Attack Forms that do not fit within the dichotomy of Craft and Control have either been cut or rehomed as Archetype or Species-specific Abilities (i.e. Elemental Storm, Shadow Hand).

  • Abilities such as Absorption now operate on a per-Measure basis, meaning that Players will have to take into account the amount of Measures they wish to Absorb to determine their EE gains.

  • Because the linear system of Elemental Attack Forms are gone, Players are expected to act more creatively and with greater care placed on what they are spending their EE on. Some Players who wish to be able to generate certain Items on the fly may wish to keep a list of their Item’s mechanics handy (akin to a spellbook).

  • Generally, the number of Elemental Talents has decreased. Many Elemental Talents have been merged together in order to make investment feel meaningful.

  • More Elemental Talents may be added to the game in the future.

  • Certain Element-specific Talents, specifically those belonging to “Solid” Elements, have been added to the Universal Elemental Talent list.

  • Many Elemental Materials have expanded descriptions to better emphasize the new focus on Materials and Crafting.

  • Elemental Types have been cut to better reflect the mechanics of Materials within the Crafting Guide.

  • Element-specific Damage is gone. Elemental Damage is now determined by which Material a Player is interfacing with.

  • Many Tribally-Linked Abilities have been revisited (including Plasma, Sonics, and Fire).

  • Elemental Energy (EE) does not scale like HP. Instead, EE in the current system is closer to Kanohi Charges (KC). A Player’s EE Pool is calculated as their Use Elements Bonus multiplied by a value determined by their Species.

Powers Index

  • The Powers Index has seen an extensive rework. Range has been simplified, a significant number of Components that overlapped with the Equipment Index have been cut, and a significant number of Kanohi Powers now incorporate new and revised Power Components that are directly attributable to them. 

  • This rework is extensive enough that listing the number of removed, revised, and introduced Components would take far too long. Please refamiliarize yourselves with the Powers Index. If you believe a Component was cut in error, let us know and we will investigate.

  • Powers are now able to incorporate nearly any Component in the Equipment Index.

  • This change was done to reduce the amount of upkeep between documents and prevent confusion in the event that the same Component was worded differently in one place or the other. As many of the Components that have been introduced to the Equipment Index came from Powers, initially, this should allow Items to become much more interesting without losing the complexity or potential of Powers.

  • The Power Library and Kayi Library have both been removed from the Powers Index.

  • These Powers have become far too difficult to maintain, and have significant overlap with many existing Powers within the Kanohi and Machines Indices, and are easier for us to incorporate into texts that are more commonly read by players. Players should have a better understanding of Powers by reviewing these resources. Additionally, Kayi specifically followed an old Path framework that no longer exists or satisfies this purpose.

Kanohi Index

  • General Changes:

  • Kanohi Statblocks have been almost entirely reformatted for ease of viewing when reading the document. Now, instead of the same abilities being repeated for every power permutation with only relevant differences added, Kanohi Abilities are now sorted into Primary, Secondary (and rarely Tertiary) Effects, as well as Kanoka Effects, with all relevant differences between power permutations quickly summarized in a comprehensible manner.

  • Yes, every Kanohi now has a Kanoka power codified! GMs no longer need to brainstorm effects for any non-base Kanoka they want in their game.

  • This does not, however, mean that these are the only possible functions of an Item made from a given Kanoka. GMs are free to experiment with alternative usages as they see fit.

  • Kanohi Categories now have a new categorization system in place. The new terms and what kinds of powers they cover are as follows:

  • Eclectic - Kanohi which do not fit cleanly into any of the below categories.

  • Elemental - Grants the wearer Elemental Powers.

  • Generative - Generates some kind of physical effect/substance, typically in the form of energy.

  • Legendary -  Kanohi spoken of in myth with control over the fundamental forces of Time, Life, and Creation themselves.

  • It should be noted that there are currently no Legendary Kanohi in the game, despite the existence of this category.

  • Mental - Provides the wearer with limited psionic abilities.

  • Physical - Alters the physical condition of a target; Often, but does not always target the wearer.

  • Pseudo-Legendary - Kanohi with a degree of power which sets them apart from the other categories of Kanohi.

  • While categorized under their own section, each Pseudo-Legendary also belongs in other categories, mentioned in each entry.

  • Reality - Abilities which slightly alter or provide information on the forces of reality.

  • Sensory - Alters or augments the senses of a target; Often, but does not always target the wearer.

  • Transient - Powers which tread the boundaries of life and death.

  • Kanohi/Kanoka Effects, alongside a number of other factors related to Kanohi, are now treated as Power Components, and can be installed into a Power with some stipulations described in the Powers Index. Most Kanohi have at least a slight difference in function as a result of these changes.

  • The associated Slot Costs for Effects and other features only pertain to Powers that attempt to emulate a Kanohi or Kanoka, in full or in part. The Kanoka Metal used to Craft Kanoka Disks or Kanohi sustains the Power otherwise, and the Item’s Component Slots do not need to be spent to bear its Power.

  • If a Kanohi Effect, in whole or in part, functions identically to an already-existing Item or Power Component, it may call out that Component explicitly, as well as where to find it. A number of new Components have been introduced to the Powers Index to facilitate this, while a number of existing ones may have seen revisions.

  • The back of the Index now has a list of all Kanohi in the game, including their Matoric and English names, Rarity, and morality. They are organized by Kanohi Category.

  • Kanoka Combinations for all Kanohi are now alphabetized.

  • The Kanoka Combinations for the Kanohi Artamu, Felnas, Isima, Mutuku, Oroha, Shelek, Ururau, Volitak, and Zatth have been adjusted.

  • The recipe for the Artamu had unintentionally been altered in version 0.9.1; this change has been reverted.

  • Power Permutations have been renamed to Power Variants, and are shortened as follows: Noble (N), Noble Nuva (NN), Great, (G), and Great Nuva (GN). When an Effect is restricted to only some Power Variants, its Slot Costs will only mention the relevant acronyms, and will usually name the Power Variants in bold.

  • Replaced erroneous mentions of the “Shaken” Condition from the Kanohi Lezemi, Suletu, and Lerkamoa with Dazed 1.

  • Eclectic Masks:

  • Added the Kanohi Vhoraka, Mask of Storms (Weather Control).

  • The Kanohi Urmukari’s Dazed effect now specifies Dazed 1, and lasts for 1d4 Rounds with no modifications.

  • Elemental Masks:

  • Reduced the EE scaling of the Elemental Masks and the Kanohi Kaketo

  • This should prevent these masks from being obvious choices for Element users while still ensuring they’re a powerful option to consider

  • The Elemental Kanoka have had the Range of their Natural Events reduced to 25Xft, but now have an additional number of effects to choose from related to the creation or destruction of Elemental Items.

  • Generative Masks:

  • The following Kanohi have been added:

  • Aahk (Mask of Power Scream), Akuru (Mask of Darkness), Efemutu (Mask of Steelshift), Iniwahi (Mask of Starfields), Naynu (Mask of Laser Vision), Norowa (Mask of Mist), Opauta (Mask of Encasing), Pakhonu (Mask of Atrophy (Weakening)), Tahnoi (Mask of Heat), and Vokami (Mask of Static Charge).

  • Yes, that Naynu. Walmart employees rejoice!

  • The Kanohi Kiril’s Regenerate Disk now restores 10X MHP instantly, rather than 2X MHP over 2X Rounds.

  • The Kanohi Kualhai’s Always Active Reaction now has a 0AP cost clarified.

  • Mental Masks:

  • Added the following Kanohi:

  • Cemura (Mask of Confusion), Kokrimau (Mask of Swarms (Insect Control)).

  • The Kanohi Komau is now equally effective against all Rahi, without additional callouts for specific Taxonomies.

  • To be clear, some of these Taxonomies already have ADV1 against the effects of the Komau and ARE still meant to stack. This change is to ensure that it’s only ADV2, and not ADV3.

  • The Kanohi Kurzika mentioned that the targets could repeat its associated Save twice; This has been fixed. Additionally, Great Variants of the Kurzika can now grant additional Ranks of Anger to targets, if the wearer of the Kanohi has their own Ranks of Anger when they trigger the mask.

  • Physical Masks:

  • Added the following Kanohi:

  • Garwamu (Mask of Weight Increase), Harumu (Mask of Elasticity), Lerkau (Mask of Respiration), Mukama (Mask of Wallwalking), Pharyax (Mask of Density Control), Sukohi (Mask of Stasis)

  • Great Variants of the Kanohi Huna are now undetectable via Brightvision.

  • The Kanohi Miru no longer mentions increasing the Duration by the original Duration length with each Kanohi Charge.

  • This was already true of any Kanohi with an ICCD or OCCD (nearly all of them) and is irrelevant.

  • Reality Masks:

  • The Kanohi Isima can now only be triggered once per Round, simultaneously maintaining parity with the Powers system and fixing a potential abuse of Kanohi Expenditure Limits.

  • The Kanohi Vahmu’s Primary Effect has been clarified in two ways: firstly, it now clarifies that Exhaustion Ranks from sources other than the Vahmu require additional Kanohi Charges in order to have an effect; secondly, the paragraph describing “full” Ranks of Exhaustion has been reworded.

  • This second paragraph had mechanical impact, but failed to convey that without confusing the reader.

  • The Kanohi Vaamaku no longer has an arbitrary maximum amount of memories which can be extracted from an Item’s history, and the Great and Great Nuva values have been buffed (up to 1d4+X and 1d6+X, respectively).

  • Sensory Masks:

  • Added the Kanohi Kabomo, Mask of Energy Tracking.

  • We have teased this Kanohi for a long time in our Kanohi Huna entry. With the addition of many new Kanohi, it only felt right to add this one too.

  • Transient Masks:

  • Added the following Kanohi:

  • Kobotu (Mask of Plant Control), Vokah (Mask of Energy).

  • The Kanohi Amana can now remove certain Conditions, but now restores HP at a delay of 1KC per Round.

  • This also has the added bonus of making the Kanohi Kakamana heal faster than the Amana, which plays into its title as the Mask of Quick Healing!

  • Removed erroneous mentions of Power Channels from the Kanohi Felnas.

  • The Kanohi Iden now has a defined ICCD, OCCD, and clearer language describing the effect of Nuva Variants of the mask.

  • The Kanohi Ikuvora now always rewards a minimum of 1 Vulture Point upon feeding on a corpse.

  • Erroneous mentions of Total Immunity in the Kanohi Mohtri have been removed.

Crafting Guide

  • All Cloth Items now have the Collapsible Component installed for 0 Slots.

  • Added the Ice Tree, a suitably-named icy variant of the Ironwood Tree Material.

  • All listed Ingredients have had a pass to ensure they don’t reference Components that no longer exist. Function and potency may have changed as a result of this.

  • All listed Ingredients now have an associated Rarity.

  • This is a minor change that will be needed later to address the Economy overhaul.

  • On the Item Crafting Table, Modular Items now cost [Size] Measures to make (down from 1+Size), while Tool Kits now cost [2+Size] Measures (up from just their Size).

  • This change was made to reflect that it probably shouldn’t cost 2 Liters of Material to make a Fine-Sized Item, and that Tool Kits recently became extremely valuable and need a minor cost offset. This could still change in the future.

  • Additionally, DEX-Style Weapons now Cost 1 Measure instead of 0.

  • Removed an obsolete mention of the “Launcher” Weapon Format from the Item Crafting Table.

  • Kanoka now have a different Slot Cost scale for Infusions (1 per Level until Level 7, which costs 4 Slots, and Level 8, which costs 5 Slots).

  • Cut a ruling in Using Kanoka Disks in Items that specified that Kanoka needed to be installed into specific Components in order to bestow their effects (i.e. Kanoka that deal Damage need to be forged into Damage Components).

  • This line of thinking was reductive and difficult to enforce, so you no longer need to take it into consideration. If you can articulate how the Kanoka Metal impacts the Item’s function, that is sufficient.

  • Kuta Zamor is now Bulk Rare, and it’s made clearer that it is supplied to other vendors at a more frequent rate than standard Zamor.

  • Wherever possible, all Materials and Ingredients that force a Save are based on the Admixture’s ISDC, and not an arbitrary value.

  • This will benefit highly skilled Crafters and prevent some reagents from being straight upgrades just because of their accessibility or Rarity.

  • Added Miner’s Cap, a fungal alternative to Lightstones that don’t require deep mines to acquire.

  • Metru Mantis Toxin now causes the Poisoned and Unconscious Conditions, similar to its actual effects in the Rahi Corpus.

  • Added Rubber, a unique, flexible Material.

  • Added Snow Moss, a Rare Plant Fiber that can help you brave the cold.

  • Adjusted the scaling of Stationary Suva to coincide with the arrival of Buildings.

  • Textile Kits now mention Feathers and Webbing as applicable Materials for conversion to Cloth.

  • Water now specifies that it is relatively easy to magnetize.

  • Adjusted flavor text for Reverb Disks.

Equipment Index

  • OTR Equipment:

  • A number of Items seen in the Mata Nui Online Game (MNOG), MNOGII, and Quest for the Toa are making their way to the Doronai Nui with this update. These Items can all be found in the Equipment Index, in the relevant Off-The-Rack sections:

  • Air Bladders, Book of Chronicles, Digger, Fishing Net, Hatchet, Kohlii Ball, Kohlii Stick, Lavaboard, Le-Koro Flute, Principle Charms, Ta-Koro Guard Bident, Volo Lutu Launcher, Wrench

  • The Toa Canister and Ussal Cart were also introduced; see the Machines Index

  • Added the following Standard Items:

  • Detonator, Infinite Canteen

  • Jungle Boot now correctly has an Interlock.

  • Drills have had their Tier upgraded to actually match the math involved with it.

  • The Shredder Component was not listed on the Blacksmithing Hammer; this has been corrected.

  • Canteens now have the Sealed Component, and their remaining Slots have been corrected.

  • The Backpack Component previously stated that an Item must be Tiny in order to be installed; this has been slightly altered for Non-Solid Materials.

  • Added a variety of Off-The-Rack Traps, including the following:

  • Ash Beartrap, Bird-Catcher Net, Caltrops, Clacker Mine, Frost Trap, Landmine, Mining Charge, Rope Snare, Shock Net

  • Tremor Drills have had a rebate added to make the Slot count correct.

  • The Hammer Item has a note added to clarify how to change it to a Smithing Hammer without any significant adjustment.

  • Hagah Plasma Cannon has had additional components added to account for previous changes.

  • Spirit Charges have now been updated due to the introduction of a proper Astral Projection (Iden) Kanoka Effect. Because the Item was Crafted using this Material, it does not affect the Slot Cost of the Item.

  • Changed the verbiage of Handles to more explicitly mention Shields.

  • Clarified how many Slots Machines gain per Quality Tier.

  • Defined “minimum AC Bonus” on a Species basis as Base AC.

  • Confirmed that you may use the higher ISDC between a Magazine and its loaded Weapon when forcing Saves with Ranged Weapons.

  • All Components may now be installed multiple times unless expressly stated otherwise. All mentions of “can be installed multiple times” have been removed, or replaced with clauses for additional installations where needed.

  • Removed all mentions of Sheathes, replaced with Quick Draw Inventory Spaces instead.

  • Corrected disparity around Size Category of Weapons.

  • New Components:

  • The following Components have been added:

  • Adhesive, Alarming, Atomic Destabilization, Atomic Integrity, Bane of the Machine, Beam, Chipping, Cleanse, Conditional Resistance, Decelerate, Disintegrating, Exhaustion Amplification, Force Push, Health Frame, Interlock Spike, Last Grace, Lethal, Lockdown, Key (The Lock Component has been modified to accommodate this change), Negation, Nonlethal, Omnidirectional Movement, Pressurized, Remote Spying, Ricochet, Sapping Strength, Sealed (a merging of Airtight and Watertight), Silenced, Slow, Sonar, Specialized Quarry, Unstable

  • Introduced a “new” category of Components: Lenses. A handful of Universal Item Components (i.e. Recorder) have been reworked and added to this new category.

  • Advanced Positioning Lens (2 Slots), Appraisal Lens, Blindsense Lens, Blindsight Lens, Brightvision Lens, Chemical Lens, Counting, Dangersense Lens, Darkvision Lens, Electromagnetic Radiation Lens, Energy Lens, GPS Lens, Gravity Lens, Hemosense Lens, Illusion Lens, Infrared Lens, Lifesense Lens, Light Lens, Material Restriction, Microscope Lens, Plantsense Lens, Photographing Lens, Psisense Lens, Recording Lens, Seismic Lens, Sensory Package, Species Lens, Stress Lens, Taxonomy Lens, Telescreen, Temperature Lens, Terrain Lens, Thermal Lens, Time Lens, Tracking Lens, Truesight Lens, Ultraviolet Lens, Velocity Lens, Zoom Lens

  • It is possible for an Item to not show up on a given Lens by installing a Lens Obfuscation, which costs as many Slots as the Lens/Sense the Item will not appear on.

  • Component Clarifications:

  • Clarified the Alternate Attack Modifier Component’s interaction with Parrying when forcing a Save.

  • Clarified Artillery HUD’s duration to be “until you are no longer wielding the Heavy Weapon.”

  • The Combat Ready Component has had its function clarified.

  • Flashlight can now be used to cast Light in a given direction, rather than a radius.

  • The Lethal Component cannot be taken alongside the Last Grace Component.

  • Clarified the interaction between ASD effects and the Neural Link Machine Component.

  • Clarified that Range Component’s 1 Slot refund may only be selected once.

  • Clarified that Thrown Format Weapons may install Melee-Exclusive Components, but also do not count as Melee or Ranged when those Formats are called out.

  • Clarified the interaction between the Weapon Notch Shield Component and the Alternate Attack Modifier Weapon Component.

  • Clarified that you cannot Load an Item Adaptor Magazine into a Weapon of a Size Category smaller than itself.

  • Component Changes:

  • Clarified that the Combined Damage Component still requires you to pay the full cost of the second Damage Type you install.

  • Piercing/Explosive Costs 5 Slots, not 2.

  • Compass now provides its Navigation Bonus so long as it is not affected by a magnetic anomaly, not just while you’re facing north, and always provides a +2 Skill Bonus at minimum.

  • The Control Board Component has been cut due to the introduction of Lenses (see below).

  • The Damage Status (Immunity) Component has had its Slot Cost raised from 4 to 8.

  • Damage Status can be applied to ASD. Additionally, Damage Status can now be used to provide protection against Pressure or Fall Damage. It can also be used in Admixtures to apply Damage Statuses to targets.

  • Disintegrating now clarifies that Breaking a normal Item also causes disintegration.

  • Distance Calibration adds Slots.

  • Drive Units now confirm a 1 Slot minimum to install.

  • Raised Elementally Activated’s alternate cost of EE from 3 to 5.

  • Energy Siphon and Energy Extraction have been merged into the Energy Extractor Component.

  • Powers may use this Component alongside a Variable Component.

  • This Component may now be used to drain HP or MHP.

  • If the Item itself stores the extracted resource, it is now able to store resources it cannot use itself for 2 Slots, and provide them to a user later for 1AP.

  • Explosive has been renamed to Volatile.

  • Grapple now costs 0AP to trigger if made as part of an Attack.

  • Grasper can now be installed on any Item and does not require a Limb or equivalent Component.

  • Inventory Uplink can now be used to link any number of Items for an additional 8 Slots.

  • This is primarily for things like Vahki Hubs, where each Vahki housed there would be linked to the warehouse storing all of their Kanoka Disks.

  • Item Charge Modifier now specifies that it requires GM approval to install, and comes with a disclaimer as to why.

  • We’ve abused this feature extensively for the Constructs Index, so it’s clear it still needs to be possible, but yes, it’s an extremely powerful tool that needs to be monitored.

  • Naloxa Container can no longer be installed on Elemental Items without GM approval.

  • Parachute now costs 2 Slots instead of 5.

  • Increased the Rope Component’s Range from 50 to 60ft.

  • Personally-Keyed Self-Destruct requires the Volatile Component.

  • Scattershot no longer has a Range limitation.

  • Shredder was listed in Melee-Exclusive Components and Item Components; it has been cut from the former.

  • Thumper has been cut, as there are now easier ways to perform the same Actions provided by the Component through the Powers Index.

  • Transmitter now costs 1 Slot instead of 4 and has been renamed to Communicator.

  • Visor now Costs 2 Slots and has additional features to reflect changes to the Environmental Guide.

  • Well-Balanced Weapon now reduces your Attack Roll or ISDC (for inflicting Saves with the Weapon) by Quality Tier.

  • This Component was strictly an upgrade in previous versions of the game. Now it serves its function while also having a drawback to consider.

  • Increased the Slot Cost of the Hefty Component. OtR Weapons with it installed have been adjusted to account.

  • Component Removals:

  • Conditional Defense

  • Elemental Attack Form Mimicry

  • Elemental Intensification

  • Firing Arc

  • Sensor Countermeasures (overtaken by Lens Obfuscation)

  • Summoning (fills the same practical role as Recall)

  • Universal Language Translator (it effectively replaces the Rau)

Machines Index

It’s big, it’s complicated, it’s a niche new way to play the game! Introducing the Machines Index, a collection of Vehicles, robots, automata, and other artificial lifeforms! While these are strictly defined as Items, many of them come prebuilt with Sapient Control Systems, or can be quickly modified to bear them. 

Because of the nature of some of these Machines (namely, the sheer volume of them), we felt they warranted their own document. We’ve also included a number of proper Species that are directly tied to some of these Constructs to keep them organized.

  • All information related to Machines, including the formerly-Off-The-Rack Vehicles, has been relocated to this document.

  • This change was made to make sure that there wasn’t an uncomfortable split between where Vehicles and Constructs were stored. It also allows us to introduce new Vehicles in the future that players should not be allowed to obtain during character creation, such as the Axalara T9.

  • Clarified how Attribute Score Damage works when a Machine suffers from it.

  • Introduced the Bohrok, Bohrok Va, and Krana, a large swarm of insectoid robots found in underground nests around the Matoran Universe.

  • Clean it all. It must be cleaned.

  • Introduced the Boxor, a set of power armor built by the great engineer Nuparu during the Bohrok Invasion.

  • If you know, you know.

  • Introduced Exo-Toa, large exosuits that can operate with a pilot or autonomously.

  • Introduced the Fire Drone, dinky little droids that might help you carry stuff from one side of a workshop to the other. If they don’t trip over their own feet, that is.

  • Introduced the Maxilos, imposing humanoid jailers employed by the Order of Mata Nui to keep their prisoners in line.

  • Introduced the Nektann, sentry-bots of various sizes that were first used to quarantine Zakaz.

  • Currently, the Patrol and Stationary Nektann are the only additions, though others may come in the future.

  • Introduced the Rahkshi (all 42 prime universe Powers) and Kraata, sometimes known as the Sons of Makuta. 

  • There’s a million things we could say about this Species, but… you all already know.

  • Introduced the Toa Canister, a holy vehicle used by Toa in the earliest days of the Matoran Universe to travel with extreme speed (and danger).

  • Introduced the Vahki, mechanical enforcers of Metru Nui with frightening physical capabilities, near-infinite Kanoka, and powerful Stun Staves.

  • This includes the Kraahu and Kranua Elite Vahki, as well as the Vahki’s predecessor, the Kralhi.

  • Introduced the Ussal Cart, a small Vehicle used to carry mining resources to and fro. Requires an Ussal or similar Rahi for propulsion.

  • New Components: 

  • The following Components have been added:

  • Improved Processor

Buildings Index

As the final capstone for the Equipment system, it is finally possible to create Buildings, allowing GMs (and players, with enough time on their hands) to craft unique and intricate structures. Designed to be as simple as possible, this new addition to the game is capable of everything from the smallest Market Stall to the Coliseum itself (believe us, we’ve tested it). 

  • Buildings are Items that operate on the Colossal X scale, and are comprised of Substructures. At this time, these Substructures are Foundations, Rooms, and Chutes. More may be added in the future if they can be justified.

  • Buildings provide protection from Environmental Factors and most Natural Events.

  • All Buildings have Machine Hit Points, based on the number of Substructures they’re Crafted from, as well as the Size of each Substructure. However, any Room that’s not supported by Foundations can be destroyed by the Break Item Action directly.

  • Introduced a number of Building Components that can be used to give Rooms and other Substructures unique functionality.

  • Buildings, as Items, can install any Item Components, and can be turned into massive Machines. In the future, Buildings will be supported by additional cross-document integration, such as Archetypes or Species Boons that provide access to unique Buildings.

Environmental Guide

  • The Environmental Guide’s formatting has been heavily reworked with player readability in mind. Additionally, a large number of mechanics have been overhauled. Similarly to the Elemental and Powers Indexes, not all changes are listed here to prevent this Changelog from being too long. The main changes are listed here:

  • Storms and Natural Events have been merged into a single category (using the latter name).

  • Seasonal Weather has been cut entirely, as it provided minimal mechanical benefits.

  • Various features such as Perception Check modifiers have been cut from many Environmental Factors (such as Climate, Natural Events, etc).

  • Depth and Elevation have been merged into a single large concept (using the latter name).

  • Temperature Bands have been reviewed for Exposure rules, dealing Fire Damage at TB 22-150, Heat at 150-500, and Plasma at 500+.

  • This change has been reflected in the Fire Elemental Tribe in the Elemental Index.

Rahi Corpus

The Rahi Corpus has received a sizable number of new or returning entries, as well as a number of general changes. To reflect the removal of Carry Weight, and because it hadn’t been defined previously, all Rahi now have Inventory Spaces equal to their Size Category.

  • General Changes:

  • Resolved a number of clerical and formatting issues, including incorrectly assigned bonuses to Attribute Scores.

  • Common Abilities have been renamed Common Boons, to mirror the Species Index.

  • Added the Gastropod Body Plan to the Body Plan Table. 

  • Snails! Snails! Snails! Slugs! Slugs! Slugs!

  • All Rahi that have the Heavy Hunker Special Ability now specify that their AC bonus is in addition to the AC bonus provided by the Hunker Action.

  • Introduced the Kanohi Carrier Common Boon, which specifies which Rahi Species naturally have one or more Kanohi involved in their construction. Rahi that have Kanohi now drop them as part of their Loot tables.

  • This addition was long overdue to the Rahi Corpus, and in retrospect it actually comes as a massive surprise that this feature wasn’t in the game already.

  • Mammals:

  • Blade Burrower Attacks now deal an additional 1dX Damage, and their Strength Score is now 20.

  • Blade Burrower Swarms have been extensively rebalanced to match the suggested stats for a CR12 Solo Rahi.

  • We were prompted to investigate this Rahi when it was made clear that something was not lining up.

  • Brakas now drop 1d4 Tiny Fruit or Seed Capsules, rather than 1-2 Measures of Fruit

  • GMs may choose what Fruit or Seeds are on a given Brakas based on their Environment or any notable Plants native to the region.

  • Added Excavator Giraffes, large, CR4 Group walkers that feed by scraping the sides of cliffs and mountains for valuable minerals.

  • Added the Klakk, a CR13 Swarm (and CR11 Minion) of extremely loud bat-like Rahi, capable of healing drained Inner Light.

  • Muaka’s Bite Attack now deals 3d12+10 Damage, and has 15ft Reach.

  • This entry was not hitting as hard as it should be, per its DPR, and its Special Abilities were not deemed enough to offset the discrepancy.

  • Rock Lions now deal more Damage (4d12+5 for Claws, 3d12+7 for Teeth), to more consistently meet their intended DPR.

  • Added the Shale Steed, CR8 Group horse-like Rahi that are remarkably fast and precise, requiring a skilled handler to be successfully mounted.

  • Added the Stinger Whale, a massive, CR7 Solo, deep-sea diving creature that has much in common with a submarine.

  • Added Volt Cattle, CR 1/8 bovine Rahi that are able to harness the power of lightning to provide energy to their shepherds.

  • Added Wolf Rats, large, CR6 Solo rodents similar to the Muaka. They can be found in Ko-Wahi and other frozen subterranean regions.

  • Reptiles:

  • Crystal Climbers now have a listed Save DC.

  • Lohrak now have a 5ft Dig Speed.

  • Onyx Raptors now have a listed Save DC.

  • Added the Tarakava Nui, a fearsome, mutated version of the Tarakava, ranked at CR14 Solo.

  • This one is mostly a rehash of the original, but a little more health, a little more damage. Not much we could do given the source material, but hey, it’s in the game now!

  • Avians:

  • Added Berg Striders, CR2 Group Rahi that are known for running at great speeds across icebergs and frozen landscapes.

  • Added the Elikaku, a CR4 Solo shoebill stork that hunts fish by microwaving them with heat vision.

  • This is probably my favorite Rahi of all time. Dag, wherever you are, thank you for coming up with the model for this. -Petrus

  • Amphibians:

  • Dart Frogs are now Immune to Poison Damage.

  • Lol.

  • Fish:

  • Reintroduced the Dweller in the Deep, a truly massive beast that lies waiting in the waters of the Silver Sea

  • This one has been reworked pretty extensively to account for changes to the DN since it was last seen, and now comes in at a whopping CR25, our highest-CR Rahi yet. It’s off the charts!

  • Molluscs:

  • Specified that all Molluscs have gills and can survive as long as they are kept moist. Bonemetal can only be Harvested from them if a shell or similar characteristic is present.

  • Added the Cowrie, a CR1/8 Minion Snail found only on Mata Nui.

  • This is one of the first non-Rahi we’ve added in quite a while!

  • Added Finned Chute Squids, CR9 Solo cephalopods that lurk in the underwater Chutes of Zakaz.

  • These are based on the real-life Magnapinna!

  • Great Temple Squid Bonemetal Beaks are now specified to just be a source of raw Bonemetal.

  • Added the Huri Snail, CR1/4 Minion gastropods (see?) that act as living woodchippers for their shepherds.

  • Added Spine Slugs, CR0 parasites that came to plague the island of Zakaz shortly before their civil war.

  • Crustaceans:

  • Crustaceans now have ADV1 to resist mind control and other mental effects.

  • Added the Breaker Crab, a CR9 Group Crustacean found on the island of Stelt, known to be a nuisance thanks to their powerful claw.

  • This Rahi was featured prominently in our second MOC Contest promotional material!

  • Added the Kadikaris, CR8 Minions capable of permanent flight, which live around the floating islands of Balrapahi.

  • Added the Mana Ko, a CR18 “Solo” Crustacean that guard Makuta lairs in pairs. 

  • Added the Pit Crab, a CR1/4 Solo Crustacean that feeds on dead matter.

  • The Ussal Crab’s Heavy Lifter Special Ability now grants them additional Inventory Spaces instead of Carry Weight.

  • Arachnids:

  • Added the Jaganoka, CR3 Group scorpion-like Rahi with a hand-like tail in the place of a stinger, which they use to throw disks.

  • We released a model for the body of this little Rahi a few years ago when we dropped our Ragtags wave of Kanohi. With the addition of new Kanoka to the reworked Kanohi Index, it only felt right to finally add these guys.

  • The Jagani-Raga now possesses an Initiative and REFL modifier equal to its DEX, rather than one impossibly below it.

  • Added Landslide Spiders, CR9 Group hunters that burrow into caves and ruins to trap their prey with cave-ins.

  • Added the Static Spider, relatively harmless, CR1/8 herbivores that use magnetism to fly through the air.

  • Insects:

  • Added the Cliff Bug, a CR1/4 Solo Swarm Rahi native to the cliffs of Ga-Wahi.

  • Added the Devourer, a CR0 Minion Swarm Rahi capable of consuming Inorganic Protodermis.

  • Added Dust Darters, a CR4 Group Swarm that dissolves metal as a food source.

  • The Lava Crawler’s Lava Wader Ability now operates off of Swim Speed instead of Climb Speed.

  • Now it can actually move in lava with this Special Ability.

  • The Nui-Kopen and Nui-Rama now both have a Wing Flap Attack option.

  • This is a reference to the gear functions of their respective sets, which let them do the same thing!

  • Added the Sand Snipe, a small, CR1/4 Group Swarm Rahi known for their incompetence and stupidity.

  • Annelids: 

  • Added the Kratana, a CR11 Minion capable of granting visions, and hijacking Bohrok Shells.

  • Unknown Taxonomy:

  • Added the Archives Beast, a unique CR11 Solo Rahi that can mimic the shape of nearly anything it comes across.

  • This Rahi was designed with Buildings in mind and includes features that will make it a visceral threat in the claustrophobic web of the Archives.

NPC Corpus

Coinciding with the release of the Constructs Index, all of the Constructs have their own NPC Statblocks which have been introduced to the NPC Corpus. Your players can now fight the Bohrok, Vahki, Rahkshi, and more, increasing the current total number of NPCs (not including Rahi) by more than fifty percent on their own.

  • General Changes:

  • NPCs now frequently employ benefits from the Supertypes and Archetypes Index.

  • Efforts have been made to remove as many Special Abilities that do not stem from Species Boons or Archetypes/Supertypes as possible.

  • The nature of these changes would make this part of the changelog unnecessarily lengthy. GMs, please review the new version of the Corpus to see the full breadth of changes to NPCs.

  • This change should make NPCs more engaging, give them a better edge in combat, and allow players to see glimpses of other playstyles and builds without having to commit to them themselves.

  • Common Abilities have been renamed Common Boons, to mirror the Species Index.

  • NPC Demeanor now impacts all Charisma Skills, not just Diplomacy.

  • A select few NPCs now possess unique Equipment specifically built for them.

  • An NPC’s HP can no longer be lower than their Species’ HP Floor.

  • HP Caps will not be implemented, as there are several means to bypass them.

  • This change should only impact low-CR enemies who are often already non-combatants and should not affect CR rankings too negatively.

  • Any NPC that could, in theory, use Kanohi, now have their Kanohi Charges listed in their statblock.

  • This is meant to be a subtle signal to GMs that they can give a standard NPC statblock a Kanohi and not have to worry too much about calculating its use.

  • NPCs now have additional Skill Proficiencies based on their Supertype and Archetype investment.

  • All Oropi Universal Traits have had a pass-over to make sure they are up-to-date and more thorough.

  • We failed to mention that Skakdi can bite people, or that Manidi have Hypnosis. Kinda embarrassing.

  • NPC Changes:

  • Matoran: 

  • Matoran Functionaries now provide a minor AC or Movement Speed Bonus to targets they Assist with their Unity Ability.

  • Toa: 

  • Updated EE values and usage to reflect changes to the Elemental Index.

  • Turaga: 

  • Updated EE values and usage to reflect changes to the Elemental Index.

  • Introduced the Turaga Administrator (CR4 Group) and Healer (CR3 Minion).

  • Dahkini:

  • Introduced the Dahkini Abolitionist (CR10 Solo) and Sailor (CR2 Minion).

  • Kumopak:

  • Introduced the Kumopak Pit Fighter (CR6 Solo) and Sailor (CR1/2 Minion).

  • Lhomanu:

  • Introduced the Lhomanu Mountain (CR12 Minion) and Knight (CR14 Group).

  • Ancient Skakdi:

  • Introduced the Ancient Skakdi Chute Mechanist (CR5 Minion) and Adventurer (CR7 Solo).

  • Modern Skakdi:

  • Updated EE values and usage to reflect changes to the Elemental Index.

  • Modern Skakdi Fugitives are now Uncommon Rarity rather than Bulk Rare.

  • Vortixx:

  • Fixed Vortixx Civil Security Gunners having 0 FORT (should be +1).

  • Vortixx Pacification Lancers now have a listed Environment (it’s just Xia, but still).

  • Augafi:

  • Introduced the Augafi Miner (CR2 Minion).

  • Ihidauri:

  • Ihidauri Patrons now have a Group Size of 3, to suit their nature as a Group statblock.

  • Manidi:

  • Introduced the Manidi Elemental Stone Smith (CR3 Minion) and Mystic (CR6 Group).

  • Manidi Hypnotists and Infiltrators now have accurate Initiative bonuses.

  • Paxorak:

  • Introduced the Paxorak Exile (CR12 Group) but temporarily removed Misaiz.

  • Layamat:

  • Introduced the Layamat Layman (CR1/4 Solo) and Ranger (CR10 Solo).

  • Ursare:

  • Introduced the Ursare Sinker (CR8 Group) and Salvager (CR1/2 Solo).

  • The AC values of the Ursare NPCs have been adjusted to be accurate to their CR rating.

  • Note that their Armor+ investment is lower than expected because we’re choosing not to account for the +3 AC from the Breathing Apparatus. The Armor+ box is meant for the Armor Frame specifically.

  • Akiamu:

  • Introduced the Akiamu Hibernator (CR14 Solo), Sage (CR12 Group), Warden (CR18 Solo), and Warlord (CR20 Solo).

  • Barramoi:

  • Introduced the Barramoi Blacksmith (CR11 Minion), Combat Teacher (CR9 Solo), Sharpshooter (CR14 Solo), Vagabond (CR12 Solo), and Warsages (CR13 Group).

  • Vhisotai:

  • Introduced the Vhisotai Aspirant (CR12 Minion), Conservator (CR11 Solo), Mercenary (16 Solo), Seeker (CR13 Solo), and Warrior-Scholars (CR17 Group).

  • Vokaru:

  • Introduced the Vokaru Celebrant (CR9 Group), Duelist (CR9 Solo), Diplomat (CR10 Group), and Commander (CR12 Solo).

  • Atureas:

  • Introduced the Atureas Minor Canary (CR3 Minion).

  • Atureas Major Deadeyes now have a Combat Pack rather than a generic Equipment Pack.

  • Ekedax:

  • Introduced the Ekedax Behemoth (CR15 Solo), Brawler (CR13 Solo), Capsizer (CR12 Group), Scavenger (CR14 Group), and Toxicologist (CR6 Solo).

  • Gawalai:

  • Introduced the Gawalai Tailweaver (CR1/8 Solo), Muckfoot (CR1/4 Solo), Reaper (CR1 Solo), and Whelpkelper (CR6 Group).

  • Gawalai Threshers now have a Boomerang.

  • Leraku:

  • Introduced the Leraku Argonaut (CR5 Solo), Brewer (CR2 Group), Chrysalids (CR4 Group), and Herbalist (CR6 Minion)

  • Vanaki:

  • Introduced the Vanaki Diver (CR1/2 Solo), Insurgents (CR5 Group), Messenger (CR1/4 Solo), and Runner (CR1/4 Solo).

Quick Start Guide

  • Mentions of obsolete systems in the Glossary (such as Paths and Body Units) have been removed.

  • Added a number of missing terms to the Glossary.

Templates Index

The number of Templates we intend to write over the coming development cycle has increased significantly, and we’re concerned that they’ll bloat the page counts of a handful of documents. To compensate for this, we’re moving all of them to a consolidated document, the Templates Index, which will keep them out of the way until they’re needed. Please note that the NPC Templates will stay put in the NPC/Rahi Corpuses, as those are not the same type of Template and are strictly meant to be used as a GM tool.

  • General Changes:

  • Template name formatting has been updated so that their Matoric names come second, and the templates themselves have been rearranged to keep them alphabetically ordered.

  • Environmental Templates:

  • Added the Arctic, Cavern, Desert, Jungle, Space, Swamp, Urban, Vehicular, and Volcanic Templates.

  • Each Environmental Template now lists an Artamu Activation Requirement.

  • Changed the Aerial and Aquatic Templates to include Weapon and Armor modifications, to match the new Environmental Templates.

  • Other Templates:

  • Added the Fohrok, Freed Krana, Scorched Vahki, and Shadow Kraata Templates.

  • Panuri are considered to be made out of Crystal. Additionally, Panuri can Suffocate opponents.

Extraplanar Index

Over the course of several years, we’ve created several additions to the game that sit outside the primary BIONICLE universe, most often for our April Fool’s Day releases; these include a handful of non-canon Elements, a few Archetypes, and most recently, Species such as the Slizers, RoboRiders, and Seekers. Having some of these entries in our main gameplay documents has caused some confusion in the past about where they sit in relation to our version of the canon, while others have existed solely in standalone documents; to remedy this, we’ve elected to create an Extraplanar Index that will act as a repository for all of our existing and future material that we consider “non-canon”. Because of this, some entries have been moved out of other documents and consolidated here instead.

  • Moved the Elements of Sand, Acid, Kinetics, and Crystal out of the Elemental Index into the Extraplanar Index, as well as their associated Elemental Kanohi.

  • The non-canon Shadow Tribe entry has been moved as well. The canon portion remains in the Elemental Index, as do all the mechanics of Shadow.

  • The non-canon version of the Suva Warrior and Sympath Archetypes have been moved out of the Supertypes and Archetypes Index into the Extraplanar Index.

  • Suva Warrior’s Level 4 ability allows you to store any additional Item in your Suva, not just Weapons.

  • The Species entries for Slizers, Roboriders, and Seekers have received a home in the Extraplanar Index.

Character Sheet

  • Adjusted the Skills section to reflect Intimidation moving into Freeform.

  • Added a field to track Species Category, Size, and Action Points (AP).

  • Page 3 of the Character Sheet has been completely overhauled to reflect changes to the Elemental Index and Powers Index.

  • Removed the following deprecated items: 

  • Section for tracking EE/UE Rest Recovery Dice

  • Sheathes section

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