A summary of the Matoran Civil War, as written by Vhisobarra of Stelt at the request of Turaga Bomupar, after the conclusion of the War.
The Civil War in Metru Nui began in 20,500 a.A. and marks the single most brutal Matoran conflict to date. The tensions before the war were subtle, tied up in trade agreements and zoning laws, but the moment that the countdown to oblivion began can be traced back to Ta-Metru lobbyists pushing through legislation for the construction of a large port on the Scrap Coast. Such a port would allow Ta-Metru to import raw materials on a significant scale, free them from dependence on the Po-Metru ports in the Wash, and keep widgets circulating in Ta-Metru instead of Po-Metru. This is where it all began. The scene is set as Ta-Metru is scheduled to receive its first set of shipments of raw materials in its new port, but that shipment will never come. The Agnukai and several other ships had been sunk off the coast of Ta-Metru by mines lain by Po-Matoran, sending a fortune in widgets to the bottom of the Silver Sea; Ta-Metru is in outrage. This affront to Ta-Matoran independence from Po-Metru trade would not be tolerated - this would mean war.
The Ta-Matoran strike a deal with Ga-Matoran radicals, ferrying them around the coast of Metru Nui to the Po-Metru Wash, where they burn down a warehouse of Po-Matoran trade goods. Now the Po-Matoran were on the same page: if it was a war Ta-Metru wanted, it was a war they were going to get. Delegates were sent to Le-Metru, explaining that Ta-Metru imports would cut into their lucrative transport business moving goods from the Wash across Metru Nui, a displeasing notion to the Le-Matoran. Meanwhile, trade vessels are loaded with weapons and put into a self-imposed blockade around the Wash; Po-Metru was not going to lose any more of their valuable trade goods to sneak attacks. Le-Metru enacts Operation Dagger Spider, a series of hit-and-run attacks along the Ta-Metru border, with an aim to cause havoc and mass panic before quickly retreating to Le-Metru.
Ta-Matoran push to reach the hub at the Coliseum, loading soldiers onto trains and launching an offensive to take a train control center up the line, establishing a beachhead in the Southern Sculpture Fields. Po-Matoran flee by train up into the Northern Sculpture Fields and down into Onu-Metru, cutting the lines behind them. This was the First Battle of Sculpture Fields South - a decisive victory for Ta-Metru, but one battle does not win a war. Po-Metru proceeded to cut all train lines connecting them to the other Metru, beginning to construct massive cliff fortresses in the rural canyons of the Sculpture Fields as well as converting the Northern Archives into bunkers to hold out until reinforcements could arrive. Kapoki, Commander of the Po-Matoran Archives encampment, devises Operation Stampede, loading exhibits onto trains and sending them speeding down the tracks into the Coliseum to disrupt Ta-Matoran control of the Hub. This infuriates the Onu-Matoran, giving rise to revolt against the Po-Matoran annexation of the Northern Archives and pushing them back into Ta-Matoran-occupied Po-Metru. Trapped in hostile territory, the Po-Matoran forces in question are slaughtered during the Battle of Archives North.
Ko-Metru attempts to intervene, blockading the Le-Matoran from supporting their Po-Matoran allies in Onu-Metru whilst also sending delegates to the Coliseum to plead with the Ta-Matoran to end the war. But Ta-Metru chooses to press their advantage; the Ko-Matoran delegates are imprisoned, opening an opportunity for Po-Metru to strike an alliance with Ko-Metru. Suddenly, Ko-Metru launches an offensive into the Southern Archives in what would be later referred to as the Battle of Archives South, creating an opening for the Le-Matoran Operation Tornado. Le-Matoran transports speed across Onu-Metru, slamming into the Ta-Matoran flank in the Southern Sculpture Fields, and the Second Battle of Sculpture Fields South begins. Unlike their earlier victories, Ta-Metru now faced coordinated offensives from the Po- and Le-Matoran designed to push them out of Po-Metru - they are forced into Ga-Metru, where they have no choice but to seek asylum. The Ga-Matoran agree to harbor the Ta-Matoran soldiers so long as they give up their weapons; the Ta-Matoran agree and are allowed to stay in Ga-Metru while they tend to their wounded. But now Po-Metru was gaining momentum and they didn’t intend to lose it. If Ga-Metru was going to harbor their enemies, then Ga-Metru was one of their enemies.
The Ga-vahkra, or “Days of Dark Water,” was without a doubt the single most barbarous conflict throughout the entire war. During these early years, conventional weapons had not yet become commonplace; every implement was a weapon of convenience, and so the battles became a horrific display of brutality. It was not uncommon to see Ta-Matoran with chisels planted in their masks or Po-Matoran cut apart with a mask-shaping torch. By the time of the Ga-vahkra, armaments had become more organized, but still by no means standardized or even civilized. The invasion force that ravaged Ga-Metru was mostly composed of Po-Metru irregulars armed primarily with large hammers designed for hewing stone, along with two Le-Metru motor units for rapid deployment - this composition proved widely effective as the Po-Metru force washed across Ga-Metru like a wave of ill water. The Ta-Matoran refugees had set up field hospitals on the campus of Niragawa University, approximately 4 kio away from the Po-Metru border. The invasion made landfall in Gaisa’s Cove in year 20,548, pushing up the coast into Leva’s Market and butchering any Ga-Matoran who stood in their way. When they finally found out where their enemies were, they marched down through the Fountains of Wisdom into Niragawa University, leaving a trail of bodies in their wake. The Ta-Matoran never stood a chance, still recovering from their last battle and unarmed as per the terms of their asylum. The entire force of nearly 200 were slaughtered, along with over 300 students of the University. It took another two weeks to push the Po-Matoran out of Ga-Metru, and in that short time more Matoran lives were claimed than in every battle before it combined. The final death toll was estimated at 2,200, although owing to the hammers used by most of the Po-Metru troops, many of the bodies were crushed beyond recognition. At the time of this writing, there are still Ga-Matoran casualties unidentified even now that the conflict is over.
To be continued...
@joashuadancurtis "What does A.a./a.A. actually signify? After activation?" It means after Awakening, which is the approximate measure time used within RSG to represent the number of years since the launch of the Great Spirit Robot.
What does A.a./a.A. actually signify? After activation?